Good Morning Everyone!
Where did the last 2 weeks go?
The last time that I posted we had just gotten through my sons wedding. What a great weekend that was!
I have not been doing a lot of stitching lately, but the one piece that I have been working on is finished just in time for my great nieces 1st birthday.
Giraffe Baby Girl Sampler
Tobin Home Crafts
Chrissy started this piece in Aug 2012 and handed it off to me in Sept to finish up for her.
The kit came with 14 ct aida but Chrissy chose a piece of 28 ct linen and we used the thread that came with the kit.
And I finished it last night (07-29-13)
A couple of reasons that I have not been stitching much lately is I have been working in my craft room putting in a new cupboard for my quilting material. I saw on pinterest that you could use comic book board and wrap you material around it and stand you fabric up so you can see what you have easier, kinda like walking in a quilt store but with smaller bolts of fabric. I will take pictures when its compete. And I also have been digging into my family history again. Always fun to find a missing piece of information that you have been looking for, and I have been organizing some of my paper copies and photos.
But the needle is calling me but I am not sure what I will work on next, a WIP or start something new?
Decisions - Decisions!
Here are a few more pictures that I took at the wedding
Well that's about all for today, time to go take my shower and start some laundry and pick up the house a little. My DH's brother is coming in from WY today and will be here until Sunday. They talk every week on the phone but haven't seen each other for a couple of years. Should be a fun week for my husband.
Happy Stitching!