Another year has past by!
My husband & I stayed home and spent the time together, we were in bed by 11:00.
As the year ends it makes a person think about all the things that went on the last 365 days.
Some happy, some sad.
One thing that has been on my mind is in March my 9 month old puppy got hit by a car, she had 2 broken legs. We got her all healed up but she still like to chase cars. I tried my best to keep her off the road. On Monday night she chased her last car. She got hit and died instantly. Rest in Peace my Sweet Girl! Our other dog Sonny misses her a lot and keeps looking for her. So I have been spoiling him more than normal.
OK on to more happy things!
First an update on American Flag Quilt Sampler.
I finished Connecticut and only have to do the backstitching on Massachusetts |
And all of the states that I have completed |
I am really surprised that I have not grown tired of the piece but I just want to keep going on it.
This past week I have not had much time to stitch because I was asked to help out at another post office,(8 hour days- I have not done that in several years) so that means no stitching during the day. This is a temporary position and I should be back to very part time in about 6 - 8 weeks. So if you don't hear from for a while you know why.
I was looking through my monthly planner that I started at the beginning of 2013
This is January. I drew a line threw the date if I did not do any stitching. |
And this is Decembers page
And this is a summary of my year in stitching
January - 3575 stitches
worked on 3 projects
February - 4183 stitches
worked on 3 projects
FINISHED 1 - Birds of a Feather
March - 2436 stitches
worked on 2 projects
April - 4802 stitches
worked on 4 projects
FINISHED 2 - Poinsettia House
and April Showers
May - 3528 stitches
worked on 2 projects
June - 5032 stitches
worked on 3 projects
FINISHED - 2 Home of a Needleworker
and Rose Wings
July - 3579 stitches
worked on 4 projects
FINISHED 3 - Busy Needle, USA and
Abigail's Birth Sampler
August - 5533 stitches
worked on 4 pieces
FINISHED 1 - Blooming with Inspiration
September - 7935 stitches
worked on 6 projects
FINISHED 4 - Welcome Fall, 2013 Santa, Happy fall
and Beneath the Sunlit Sky
October - 8503 stitches
worked on 5 projects
FINISHED 1 - Merry Christmas
November - 3867 stitches
worked on 4 projects
FINISHED 3 - Angel, Witch, and
Hope for the Holidays
December - 6133 stitches
worked on 2 large projects
So to sum it up I did approximately 59105 stitches through the year- this does not include all the backstitching I did or any beads that I might have attached. And I completed 17 pieces this year.
No goal for 2014 - I plan to go with the flow and stitch what I want, when I want.
Well I am off to do some stitching and watch the Rose Tournament Parade.
Happy New Years
Happy Stitching