Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Weekend!

I have been meaning to get a post out earlier this week but that darn o procrastination thing set in.
I finished Stitching Easter Spots by The Trilogy on Monday (26th) and had hoped to get it finished into an ornament but that has not happened yet so here is a picture of what is done so far.
Easter Spots
the Trilogy
Started - 3/20/12
Finished - 3/26/12
I used 28ct Irish Linen - Tea dyed and for the floss I used a combination of GAST, Weeks and DMC.
The material that it is laying on is what I am going to use for the back.

On Tuesday I dug into my basket of CJC2012 projects to see what I wanted to work on next and I chose Blooming with Inspiration.
This is what I completed on January 10, 2012

And this is what I have completed as of last night 3/30/12

Blooming with Inspiration
Blue Ribbon Designs
40 ct Wisteria hand dyed fabric from Lakeside Linen
No more stitching this weekend for me, I am determined to get my paper work done so I came turn my taxes into the tax preparer on Monday. I don't have much left to do if I would just sit down and put my mine to it. Every year I dread this and my DH has too keep asking me is it done yet?

On to other stuff before I have to get off the computer and get to work.

My Niece, Chrissy found out that she is having a little girl in August. I am so excited and can't wait to meet little Miss Abigail!

Our new shop is coming along, here are a couple of the last pictures that I took of it.

Well maybe if I get my paperwork done sometime today I will be able to sit and stitch this evening.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Happy Stitching

Friday, March 23, 2012

continuation from yesterday

At the beginning of the month I had a giveaway that Lesleyanne won, well I pack it up and forgot to take pictures of everything that I sent her but if you go to her blog she has a picture for you to see. (HERE) I did get a picture of the cross stitch piece that I sent to her.
Got Luck by Plum Street Samplers
32ct Ant. white  Wichelt Permin Linen
DMC Floss
Started 3/2/12   Finished 3/4/12

When I finished this one I also finished another piece that I had stitched last year and was in my pile to finish. I sent this one to my Niece in Iowa.

Last night we had guest in the house until 9:30  so I did not get much stitching done but I am hopeing to get my Easter ornament done sometime today.

I am going to leave you with some farm pictures, enjoy
Sharlee and her big brother Gavin

My DD1 had fun taking pictures of our calves last weekend

Can you see her finger up in the left hand corner.
She said she was trying to show how long his tongue was.
Silly girl!

Sonny Boy
Well I better get busy figuring out what I am going to make for noon meal for the shop workers. Boy I can't wait for them to be done.

Also Krista  at Just Stitching Along awarded we with the Liebster Award and I will blog about that tomorrow. Some day I will get caught up.
Happy Stitching

Thursday, March 22, 2012

TUSAL, & Not that much stitching this week!

First up is a picture of my orts for the Month of March.
The doily  that they are sitting on was made by me quite a few year ago. It is the only hardanger that I have done. Its not that I didn't like doing it, I just love doing cross stitch better.

I haven't done much stitching this past week and I think it is because I told myself I had to finish Enchanted Alphabet before I could go on to something else. Well I just am not into finishing it, even thought it is so close to being done. And my weekend was packed with family stuff. Friday morning my niece had a baby girl and named her Amaya ( I made a bib with her name on it - picture in last post) Friday night my DD1 had a Pampered Chef party that I went to and DD2 and her 3 kids came up from Iowa to spend the night ( no stitching on Friday). Saturday came along and we had a house full. DD2 & I decided to run to town and pick up a few groceries, came out of the store and my car would not stay running. DH came to the rescue and said I had a fuel pump out. So they haul it to the shop to get worked on.  Got it back on Tuesday. I hate being with out my car. Any way back to my week end. Saturday night we attended a wedding of some friends of ours and did not get home until after 11:00 pm (no stitching on Saturday). On Sunday DD1 came out with her kids and we did some sewing. Not stitching but sewing. See she got the gift card to the local quilt shop and she spent it on these cute Cupcake Potholder pattern and material so she made one and I worked on a countertop ironing mat so that I don't have to pull out my ironing broad for my little ironing jobs. I forgot to get a picture of my daughters cupcake potholder that she made but I did get a shot of my ironing mat.

Sunday night the kids were still here for super so DH & I made lobster  tail and steak for supper. Oh boy did we stuff ourselves. It was so good. ( we even got to have leftovers on Monday night). Monday night after we ate supper we had a Insurance meeting with our agents (no stitching monday night) and Tuesday I had to get ready for out Equalization Meeting for the township, which was Tuesday night (no stitching on Tuesday ) By now I am going thru withdrawal. So Wednesday morning first thing (after I got DH off to work) I go in search of something to stitch. I found an Easter ornament by The Trilogy, found my supplies and sat down and started on it. I had been working on it about 1/2 hour and someone came walking in my house. It was DD1 with Sharlee. DD1 forgot to tell me that she didn't have daycare that day and I needed to babysit. There went my plans for the day. Oh well could have been worst. So between yesterday and today here is my progress ( I have my granddaughter again today)
Easter Spots by The Trilogy

Well blogger won't let me share anymore pictures with you so tomorrow I will share the rest with you.

Happy Stitching everyone.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A finish, A Frame, A Fabulous Day

What a beautiful day! All my windows are open and I can hear the birds a chirping. I love this 70 degree weather. Wouldn't it be great to have spring year around. The cooking at noon for the men is going OK. And what ever is left over is what I feed my husband and it seems to be working pretty good so far.
Progress on the new farm shop and office

picture taken on 3/15/12
With temps in the 70's for the next few day the workers should make some good progress on this project.

And with all the cooking, cleaning and babysitting I have managed to get some stitching done:
first thing I finished stitching and making it into a flat ornament went in my give away , can't show a picture yet, so after Lesleyanne lets me know she has received her package I will post a picture of it.

I completed this bib that I show you in an earlier post.
Finished this on 3/13/12

I also finished 8 Baptismal bibs for our church. I forgot to take pictures of them before I took them to be stored at the church and be used as they need them. I cut out a pattern on white cotton and embroider a cross in the center, add a little lace and sew the front and back together, iron them and they are ready to go.

Monday my framer called and said my picture was done so Tuesday after I fed the men I made a trip to town and picked it up. It turned out great, these pictures really don't do it justice.
Metamorphosis - Ink Circle
Framed 3/13/12

A close up of the frame I chose

The light colored mat is the same color as the center design.
 A light green.

And lastly I have been working on Enchanted Alphabet but not enough progress to have its picture taken, so my next update maybe I will have a photo.

Tomorrow my niece goes in to have her baby, My sister is so excited to be a first time Grandma. Not only does she get one grandchild this year, but her oldest daughter is also having a baby that is due in August. My husband and I will be great aunt & uncle 5 times this year. Baby's all over the place!

Off to get some stitching done and watch some TV!
Happy Stitching

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Boy I don't know where my head was the other day when I drew the winner of my give away. I email her for her snail mail and then started reading blogs and then on to something else and completely forgot to do my post. So this morning first things first before I started play on this darn computer - getting this post out there.
Names in my Grandmothers old serving dish

Congratulations Lesleyanne ! she has already sent me her snail mail and I will be making a trip to the post office sometime today.

I have been doing some stitching but can't show anything yet as they are gifts so in a later post I will update you on these pieces.

Life this week has been a little busy. On Monday they started building DH's new shop here on the farm. And it looks like its going to be quite large.

There are 3 guys that are working on it and my sweet husband volunteered me to fix them there noon meal for them. Wasn't that nice of him (not). But I put on my happy face serve them up. I hate tring to decided what to make for supper everynight and now planning a noon meal also. I feel like all I am doing is cooking and doing dishes (I don't have a dish washer - my choice). And I will be glad for these next 2 weeks to be up. Maybe then I will start talking to DH again. hehehe.

Tuesday night we had our Township Board meeting, so monday & tuesday was spend getting there check book and end of year papers in order. Tonight is Catholic Daughters meeting and I am the Financial Secretary so I got  the papers in order for that. So not much stitching time
 this week.

And again today and tomorrow I have my granddaughter during the day while her parents are at work. And she is now demanding my attention.
Until next time
Happy Stitching

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Metamorphosis finished!

Don't forget to sign up for my 1st year Blogoversary, 5 days left. Leave a comment on the post HERE.
I have started putting my box together just have a few more things to pick up and it will be ready to mail out to the lucky winner. Good luck everyone!

Yesterday Feb. 29 was my oldest Daughter birthday. Yep I had a Leap Year Baby. She was born 32 years ago and this would be her 8th actual birthday. I have taught both of my daughters to cross stitch but Jill finds she likes quilting better. So for her Birthday present we gave her a gift certificate to the local quilt store so she could pick up supplies that she needs. She was excited because with 3 kids and normal family expenses she doesn't get to spend a lot of money on the fun stuff.
Happy Birthday My Beautiful Girl!

Yesterday morning I finished Metamorphosis
Now to take it to town and get it framed
Really like the colors in this one.

Metamorphosis  Tracy Horner - Ink Circles 2011
37 ct Antique White Edinburgh Linen
GAST that were called for.
Started Jan 5th 2012
Finished Feb 29th 2012

Well my granddaughter is here and wanting my attention so time to go.
Everyone have a great day
Happy Stitching


Good Morning Everyone! I just got back from having coffee with my daughter. This is something I don't normally get to do because she ...