This is our granddaughter watching her two big brothers help us sort cattle.
Last night we sorted cattle and hauled a couple of them to the locker to be processed as we sorting them a bunch of them got out and we had to chase them around the farm a couple of time before we got them in. It was not fun with all the mud we have since the snow is melting. Our grandsons were out there helping us also, they were mud head to toe. I don't think there dad (our son in law) wanted to put them in his car to take them home, but we got them cleaned up enough for the ride home and then dad had to wash all there clothes when he got home ( our son in law is not much a farmer he is more of a city sleeker, but we love him anyway). He was not a happy camper.But who can complain the sun is shining and its getting warmer out.
I completed this Easter Egg last year but just framed it to put out on display this year. You can't see it but I framed it in a white frame, looks sharp and the colors stand out in it.

Here is an updated picture of the piece that I am working on at the this time. Its really been fun working on it and can't wait until its done and hanging up.