Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Exploding Pens

I hope this is not what the rest of the week will be like!
Started out washing the DH's work clothes yesterday morning, did his jeans, threw them in the dryer. Washed his tees and underthings threw them in the dryer - went to take them out of the dryer an found that my DH had left a blue ink pen in his pocket and it had exploded in my new dryer (8 months old). I just sat there and cried!!!!!! Oh the things that went through my head. I thought my dryer was ruined - so after I collected my thoughts I went to my computer and googled ink stains in the dryer. There were lots of ideas and I decided to try one that said to heat the dryer for a few minutes and use finger nail polish remover on a old cloth. It Work!!! It took me most of the afternoon to scrub it out because of the smell. Thank goodness the weather was super out yesterday so that I could have the door open for fresh air. One more disaster bites the dust and we are back to doing laundry as normal.

My last posting I showed a pic of an old WIP called Enchanted Alphabet. I now know why I put it aside. I found some counting errors as I was working on it. So I thought about it, worked on it, and decided not to frog any of it and fudged my way around it. I really don't think anyone will notice because of the spaces between the letters. And I will post a picture of it next time I post, maybe I will be done with it by then. All I have left of it is a lttle bunny, a bird and a butterfly.

I also got another circle done on Metamorphosis, but again no picture. I am thinking this one will be my 3rd finish for 2012. I need to all decided which ornament I want to do for the month of Feb. I think I might do two ornaments - 1 for Valentines day and 1 for Christmas.

Speaking of February my oldest DD is having a birthday this year! Thats right she was a leap year baby. We give her a bad time and tell her she is only 8 years old (she will really be 32) She has had a lot of fun with this thru the years of growing up.

Well I need to read a few more blogs and get some more laundry done. And of course the a few stitches in !

Happy Stitching everyone

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Picking up a Very Old WIP

Here is what I will be working on this week, there is not much left to do on it so it shouldn't take me too long to complete. I don't remember when I started it or what the fabric is that I am using. The copy right date is 1991.

Enchanted Alphabet
by Lavender & Lace
I did use the called for DMC floss.
Looks like I have a bird to do above the little girls head, a bunny behind the little girl and complet the letters S, U,  W, X, Y,& Z and then run a ribbon from the rabbit to the little girls hand and maybe some backstitching, we will see when I get the stitching done. I am going to try and make this my 2nd finish of 2012.
Off to read some blogs.
Happy Stitching

Monday, January 23, 2012

1st Finish of 2012

I finish my first piece on Saturday. I had started it as one of my 15 new starts for the 2012 CJC. 
Little House Needelworks
Started Jan. 6, 2012
Finished stitching Jan.  21, 2012
30 ct Straw Weeks Dye Works
and used recommended flosses

I was excited to finish this one so I could move on to something else, like
Metamorphosis by Ink Circles
I have the center one just about done.

I was hoping to have this one completed yesterday (Sunday) and could have if our plans had not changed. You see I had planned on having Lutefisk for supper but when I went looking for the butter in the frig - low and behold all out. And you can't eat Lutefisk without butter! So DH & I went to town to pick some up and as we drove down Main St of our little town, we saw War Horse was playing at the Theater. We made a U-turn and went back and the show was just starting, what timing. It was a really good movie, and I am glad we stopped. After the movie we went and got our butter and a few other things of course. We enjoyed our Lutefisk supper and it brought back memories of my grandparents because they use to make it us on the holidays.

I think I will do a little blog reading and then I am going to finish the center piece of Metamorphosis and then I have been hearing a very old WIP has been calling me to work on it and by old I mean I have not worked on it since I have been blogging an some before that. I will take a picture and put it on my next post.
And I leave you with a few shots of my Jan 2012 TUSAL

Have a good week every one
Happy Stitching

Monday, January 16, 2012

CJC - Day 12,13,14,&15

OK I made it thur 2012 CJC 15 starts, now too get started finishing some of some of my new starts. And I have plenty of WIP's to work on also.

Here are my last 4 starts -

Day 12 Four Seasons

Four Season by the Trilogy
32 ct Summer Khaki Belfast Linen
and use recommended Weeks Dye Works floss

Day 13 June Sweet Cake

I don't have a colored finished picture of this start. It has been kitted up for a long time ( I think since 2003) and I am not even sure where I found it, It might have been from the Rainbow Gallery web page,
Designer Erica Michael's
Fabric  32 ct cream Belfast linen
Threads  Hi-lights, Splendor, & Subtlety and Mill Hill Beads

Day 14 - Monogram Towel

I don't have a colored finished for this one either. It came out of one of my many magizines and I didn't want to go back thur them to find it.
Stoney Creek Collection
14 ct white - Aberdeen Hand Towel
DMC floss -  310 black

Day 15 - Harvest Hand Towel

Used  14 ct Banded Huck Towel and the recommended DMC floss.
Designer  Elizabeth Spurlock and I found it in Cross Stitch & Needlwork mag.

OK that is all my new starts for 2012. Now I am off to read a few blogs then I am off to get my grandsons and we are going to the sale barn and see if we can find some baby bottle calves to buy.
Everyone have a great week
Happy Stitching

Thursday, January 12, 2012

CJC - Day 8,9,10,& 11

I have not updated my new starts for a few days so here they are!

Day 8

Day 9

Blessed ar the Needleworkers
Sue Stadler of Crossing Montana

Day 10
Blooming with Inspiration
Belinda Karls Nace - Blue Ribbon Designs

Day 11

Petticoat Heart
Just Nan
Didn't get many stitches in last night. I really love the colors in this one.
I can't wait until the 15th is over so I can finish some of these started ones.

My granddaughter is here today and I could not resist the chance to snap a cute picture of her.

I went to the doctor last Thursday and he put me on a liquid diet & some meds for a couple of days and I am as good as new. I have not felt this good in a long time.

We also got our first snow of the season. It wasn't much just enough to make the ground white. But now it feels like winter around here.

Time to go and find my next CJC start for today.
Happy Stitching

Sunday, January 8, 2012

CJC - Day 5,6,&7

Hi Everyone!
First I wanted to let everyone know that I am better after seeing the doctor. He told me after he did some blood work that my liver enzymes were high and that he supected my gall bladder was the cause of this so it was a liquid diet for a couple of days and everything seems to be back to normal now, just have to watch my fat intake for a while.
Now on to my new starts for this year.

Day 5 - Metamorphosis by Ink Circle
I really like doing this one, each of the designs is a different color, so there is no changing of colors all the time.

Day 6 - Hallelujah by LHN
This one is I think I will use as my January Christmas ornament.

Day 7 - USA Tall Trios by The Trilogy
This one I didn't get much done on because I worked yesterday at the Cattle Sale Barn. We had a long day selling bred cows and I came home exhausted. I got a good nights sleep and am ready to start another project,

Happy Stitching


Thursday, January 5, 2012

CJC day 3 & 4

Well I guess I am not over what ever is making me feel sick to my stomach. So DD1 insisted that I make a Dr. appointment. Got one for 10:15 this morning, so we will see what the deal is. More on it later.

Jan 3rdļ»æ start
Count Your Blessings by Shakespeares Peddler

Jan 4th start
The Best Things by Waxing Moon Design

Not sure what I will be starting today. I will wait until after I get back from the Dr. appointment and see what appeals to me. 

Happy Stitching everyone

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CJC days 1 &2

January 1st found me a little under the weather and I stayed in my pj's all day and did nothing but watch Harry Potter movies, slept, and did a little stitching when I could keep my eyes open. So here is day one. Cappuccino from LHN.
and my progress
I am not sure I like the color of the cup yet. it kinda
blends in with my fabric that I picked out.
The floss pack came with the design.

January 2 I had to work at the Cattle Sale Barn all day and then my DD#1 and I went and had supper together. (No husband this week he is in WY snowmobiling with his buddies) I got home about 7:00pm, showered and put fresh smelling clothes on and managed a few stitches in my next new start.

Day 2
and my progress
This one is called Morning Star by Blackbird Designs

I have not done any stitching for day 3 yet. I wanted to get my blog updated and to catchup on some of my blog reading. I also have managed some house work all ready this morning and need to run to town and get some errands done. Then I plan on sitting and stitching the evening away.
I hope everyone is enjoying there stitching time!
Until tomorrow with another update.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I hope every one had a good New Years Eve.
We had  a quite evening and just went in to our local bar
and had a couple of drinks with my DD & SIL. We were home
and in bed by 10:00pm. My DH left this morning with his buddies
to go snowmobiling in WY. I have a week of being by myself, which means
lots of stitching for me.

I counted up all the projects that I completed in 2011
 and they added
up to 27 finishes, alot of them are small ones (christmas ornies). This is the
first time that I have keep track of what I have completed in one year.

Goals for 2012 

 15 new starts for 2012 Crazy Challenge
1. Halleluja - LNH
2. 15 Sided Biscornu
3. Morning Star - BlackBird Designs
4. Tall Trios - The Trilogy
5. Cappuccino - LNH
6. For My Friend - Dinky Dyes
7. Cranberry Pinafore - Shepherds Bush
8. Best things in Life - Waxing Moon Designs
9. Granny Apples - Full Circle
10. 6 Holiday Bread  Cloth's - Leisure Arts
11. Blooming with Inspration - Blue Ribbon
12. Count Your Blessings - Shakespears peddler
13. Petticoat Heart - Just Nan
14. Metamorphosis - Ink Circle
15. Blessed Are - Sue Stadler of Crossing Montana

2012 Ornament A Month

I have 9 ornaments picked out but they might change
as the year proceeds.
January - Baked Goods - LHN


1. Country Cabin - Laura J Perin Designs
Started - ?
2. Enchanted Alphabet - Lavender & Lace
Started - ?
3. Heirloom Christmas Tree Sampler - Thea Dueck
Started - ?
4. Needle Guardian - Teresa Wentzler
Started - around Dec 2008
5. Spirit Of Christmas Santa Stocking -
Started - 11-15-08
6. Stoney Creek Collection
Started - Jan 2011
7. Woodland Enchantress - Dimensions
Started - April 2 2011
8. Santa - Heavenly Cross Stitch Book
Started - June 9, 2011
9. Birds of a Feather Mystery Sampler
Started - July 2011
10. Alphabet Heart - DMC freebie
Started - Aug 2011
11. Welcome October
Started - Oct 25, 2011

I am hopeing to complete a couple of these WIP this year,
a couple of them are very close to being done.
Well there you have it,
and its time to go and get started stitching.

Happy Stitching



Good Morning Everyone! I just got back from having coffee with my daughter. This is something I don't normally get to do because she ...